Thursday, 11 April 2013

HTML coding, CSS and w3c

In this section of the blog i will be teaching how to code a website the first thing you need to know is about HTML or Hyper text mark-up language is written in mark up tags, mark up tags describe how text should be displayed but you might be asking what is a tag? Well a tag uses angle brackets< > to code examples of these tags in coding are <HTML> <B> which means make bold <Body> which is where the text will be written <P> which means paragraph now when a forward slash (/) is used it means close for example </HTML> ends the coding (HTML can be written in any case.) Now then there is another version of HTML called XHTML (extensible hyper text mark-up language) XHTML is much stricter and cleaner than HTML meaning it creates a much more dynamic website which is also supported by all web browsers XHTML is made up from XML extensible mark-up language and HTML hyper text mark-up language XML describes data where as HTML displays data, XHTML was created to handle the multiple ways in which the Internet can be viewed on all devices it also can handle the problems that HTML and XML can handle alone. XHTML must be properly nested and must always be closed </html> for example and must always be in lower case. Additionally XHTML files can be sent  to screen reader to check all the coding works correctly and then can be published you will also get a certificate stating that it has passed the process.

CSS stands for Cascading style sheet,this is the way in which the web page is displayed and it is style sheet language this is used to describe the presentation or look of the document

The right hand side shows the defaults of the page the left shows the CSS coding which I am changing to edit the page. (Done on

 On the left I have changed the coding this has affected the right hand side of the page changing the title of the heading and the colour of the text I have also edited the blue text to say this could be a link.

 The right hand side shows a boring looking page the left is the CSS code to change the background and text on the right hand side after I have edited them.This is the edited version in which I have changed the colour and the text.

This is an advanced coding of a background this shows the unedited code and background which I will edit.

 Here is the edited version changed the background colour gave the box a boarder and edited the text and colour.

 This shows listing with CSS I will edit the contents of the list in the coding.

Here I edited the drinks to companies.

Okay so finally for today we are going to talk about w3c which stands for world wide web consortium this is the regulatory body that provides the world international standards for the Internet it was founded by Tim berners-lee and is made up of member organisations that develop the standards in which all websites must meet. Using I checked a set of websites to see how many coding errors and warnings the sites had to see if they were up to standards.
Assassins creed 4 official website had 164 errors  and a shocking 147 warnings this again is not acceptable for a large company.

HBO had 197 errors and 69 warnings this is bad for such a large company as it shows they aren't putting their fullest in to making there website complete.

This was it had 11 errors and only 4 warnings warnings are things that are very important to fix errors may be spaces in places they need not be.

This unbelievably was Microsoft having 515 errors and 487 warnings is unacceptable for such a big company.

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