Monday, 8 April 2013

Authoring Your Website

In this section of the blog I will be teaching you all about web authoring, what is web authoring? well authoring is defined as producing a piece of written work for example the author of a book writes the book, with web authoring the author writes the HTML code which creates the website using authoring tools. 
(An example of HTML code.

Authoring tools are software packages that allow you to create content for your website for example adobe Dreamweaver, adobe Photoshop, adobe Flash and HTML programs, these programs allow you to create the website, the graphics and text or animated content, other software can be used to do things such as embedding videos to the website.
Adobe Dreamweaver Logo.
Adobe Photoshop Logo

There are many kinds of authoring formats other than websites such as DVD's, Televisions, games consoles, hand held devices such as phones or tablets, kiosks and CD's these formats are applications used for things such as educational purposes an example is a website such as BBC bite size to help school children advance in certain skills, entertainment purposes are things like television channels that provide us with entertainment, Marketing such as Facebook which allows you to promote yourself for example a clothing range, tattoo parlour or musician, Public service things such as the news warning of danger for example bad snow.

Assets for your website, these assets are important they are things such as images and text which are ALWAYS needed they are the two main pillars that hold up your website. However, adding more of these pillars helps build the structure of your website. For example videos can be entertaining or educational or even give information on certain things and with the video sound would most definitely be a part of your website. You could also have things such as animated banners, this links in with what we will be learning next interactivity and control of your website is needed, this can be as simple as a play and pause button on a video player or as complex as annotations that allow you to navigate on to a video linked in to a current video or completely different section of the website, it could be a comment section where people can voice there opinion all these features make your website more attractive to someone using it.

Opportunities and limitations to your website, opportunities of your website can be as simple as providing a service for people it could allow brand recognition if a product is linked with you, it could allow advertising that makes you money and promotes another company for example Apple, in certain cases it could self market yourself for example a portfolio website would allow you to show off all your skills and sell yourself for interviews at jobs or university's, however there are limitations to what your website can do, for example if you have a low bandwidth or a slow connection in your area your website may not be so great, certain plug ins such as flash player may be required the browser people use to view your site might not work your website making it hard for people to view your website fonts may not be available on all pc's and languages if the website gets big may be an issue.

Overall authoring a website can be hard but if you put all the things I've mentioned in this blog your website could become very popular, customers are always right and new websites are always needed, its up to you to make one that could change a persons life.

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